Reiki & Chakra Clearing (Long Distance & In-Person) for People & Pets
$77 per hour per person / $44 per 15 min for Pets
Long Distance and In-Person
Reiki is a hands on healing modality that uses Chi or Ki – the life force – to move blocked or trapped energy from trauma, pain or stress to clear those blockages in the body’s energy channels, called Meridians, and heal those spaces to bring into balance your own life force. Reiki is used to not only heal but also to give rest and relaxation for stress or pain for overall well being and peace.
The chakras are energetic centers that each affect main parts of our lives, such as our ability to express, our self esteem, our foundational life, our safety and so on. Due to life’s stresses or traumatic events, the chakras can be blocked and become imbalanced. The chakra clearing helps to clear the blockages and get these energetic centers into alignment thus supporting a more aligned and peaceful life. Includes Sound therapy to accompany.
In-person Services Disclaimer
When booking a Cuddling/In Person Reiki Session – You understand and agree to all of the following:
1. Cuddle Therapy/Reiki is not a substitute for proper medical consultation for physical, mental and psychological illnesses and may not be suitable for everyone. It is contra-indicated for people suffering from major psychiatric disorders. If in doubt consult your trained medical professional for guidance.
2. HecateHoney, aka Natalie Ochoa, declines any responsibility for incidents resulting from your cuddle/reiki session. By taking part in a cuddle/reiki session you accept full responsibility for your physical and mental fitness and state that you are able to participate safely in the activity.
3. You must tell the professional if you feel emotionally or physically uncomfortable or concerned at any time throughout the session.
4. No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed.
5. You should not attend a cuddle/reiki session if you are consulting a doctor or therapist regarding any emotional issues without checking with them first.
6. Anyone consulting a doctor or therapist for any emotional issues or taking medication for any emotional disorder must tell the professional prior to the session.
7. The cuddle/reiki sessions are NOT to be interpreted as sexual. All touching, both given and received, will be conducted in a professional and nonsexual, strictly platonic manner.
8. Touching is limited to areas which would not normally be covered by a swimsuit.
9. Both parties will remain fully clothed with minimum appropriate coverage being workout shorts and a tank top.
10. Hands will remain outside of clothing at all times for both parties.
11. Kissing of any kind, anywhere, is not acceptable.
12. Clients must be 18 years or older to book a session.
13. A current form of state or government issued identification is required and will be kept on file.
14. Cleanliness and adequate hygiene are required by both parties. This specifically includes showering and having teeth brushed close to the appointment time, wearing freshly laundered clothing, and no (or minimal) perfume/cologne.
15. Both parties are requested to verbalize any unwanted actions before and during sessions.
16. To avoid misconduct either party may guide hands away from an action or give 2 quick taps as an indication that the action should be halted.
17. Session time begins when the professional enters the room.
18. Should any of my actions be interpreted as inappropriate or a risk to personal safety, HecateHoney aka Natalie Ochoa reserves the right to terminate the session immediately with no warning or refund given.
19. Payment is required prior to the start of any session.
20. Hecatehoney aka Natalie Ochoa reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
21. If you are unable to make your appointment, 24 hours notice is required. If you will be more than 5 minutes late please contact us to avoid being charged for the time.
22. HecateHoney aka Natalie Ochoa will not be held responsible for any property loss that may occur, or for any injuries that may result from a session. You hereby release the company and employees from any and all liability (except for gross negligence and/or willful misconduct) for such incidents.
23. Speak with your professional if you have any questions, concerns or need assistance with anything during the session.
24. Tears and laughter are possible during the session and both are normal and welcome.