Essential Reading

Much of the knowledge I have learned in courses, from people and practitioners, and from books I have forgotten over the years. A lot has been intuitively learned through practice and understanding. But here is a good starting list that signifies and discusses much of what I love, understand and believe in the world.

  • Whitcomb, Bill – “The Magician’s Reflection”
  • Dale, Cyndi – “The Subtle Body”
  • Cynova, Melissa – “Kitchen Table Tarot”
  • Crowley, Vivianne – “The Magickal Life”
  • Crowley, Vivianne – “Wicca”
  • Gilotte Galen – “Book of Hours”
  • Frazer, James George – “The Golden Bough”
  • McGowan, Kathleen – “The Source of Miracles”
  • Dispenza, Dr. Joe – “Becoming Supernatural”
  • Gilbert, Elizabeth – “Big Magic”
  • Medicine Eagle, Brooke – “Buffalo Woman Comes Singing”
  • Stein, Diane – “Essential Reiki”
  • Too, Lillian – “168 Feng Shui Ways to Energize Your Life”
  • Storm, Hyemeyohsts – “Song of Heyoehkah”
  • Starbird, Margaret – “The Women with the Alabaster Jar”
  • Ruiz, Don Miguel – “The Four Agreements” (anything by him is amazing)
  • Breathnach, Sarah Ban – “Simple Abundance”
  • Janosh, “Sacred Geometry”
  • Foundation for Inner Peace – “Course in Miracles”
  • Mountain Dreamer, Oriah – “The Call”
  • Rand, William Lee – “Reiki Manual”
  • Robertson, Leez – “Tarot Healer”
  • Sharman-Burke, Juliet – “The Complete Book of Tarot”
  • Telesco, Patricia – “A Charmed Life”
  • Robbins, Shawn & Leanna Greenaway – “The Witch’s Way”
  • Buckland, Raymond – “Book of Spirit Communications”